Paducah Power System
Who We AreServing approximately 22,500 customers, Paducah Power System has been bringing public power to the citizens of Paducah/McCracken County since September 1, 1961. The municipal system generates wholesale power at the Prairie State Energy Campus in Washington County, Illinois and peaking power at its generation plant on Schneidman Road in Paducah. The power is distributed through 10 substations scattered throughout the PPS service territory. The system contains 800 miles of distribution line, including a fiber optic network that serves as a backbone for area internet providers.
About Paducah Power

A public power provider, Paducah Power is dedicated to our customers and our community. We have a 99.99% reliability rate, have decreased residential bills 16% since 2013 and hold the American Public Power Association’s highest award for safety and reliability, the RP3 Diamond Designation.
Mission Statement
Customer Service Principles
1. Safety comes first in all that we do.
2. I am proud of my professional appearance, attitude, language and behavior.
3. I treat customers and coworkers with dignity and respect, never discriminating on the basis of
gender, race, sexuality, national origin, religion, age, marital status or disability.
4. I understand my role in providing a critical service to this community and continuously build
upon the skills that will empower me to best serve this community as a representative of PPS.
5. I handle customer interactions with consistency, honesty, empathy and patience.
6. I take ownership of each customer interaction placed before me.
7. I build positive relationships by anticipating customers’ needs and listening before responding.
8. I take responsibility for my work, leading by example.
9. I respect my coworkers’ efforts and opinions and acknowledge mistakes without placing blame.
10. I accept the challenge to turn a dissatisfied customer into a satisfied customer.
Our Board
A five-member board sets our policies and oversees our operations. Our Chief Executive Officer, Dave Carroll, manages the day to day operations according to those policies. As required by state law, our board members are appointed by the mayor of Paducah and approved by the Paducah City Commission. Our board includes a current city commission member or the city manager. Decisions made by the Electric Plant Board are independent of the city commission and do not require approval by the commission.
Our current board members are:
Chair: Mark Workman
Vice Chair: Darryl Pea
Secretary/Treasurer: Ed Hely
Member: Sandra Wilson, City Commissioner
Member: Evan Rittgers
Board meetings are held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at noon at PPS offices, 1500 Broadway, Paducah. However, board business is typically accomplished during the first regular meeting of each month, eliminating the need for the second regular meeting. Board meetings are open to the public.
Our Generation Assets
Paducah Power owns a natural gas peaking plant on Schneidman Road in Paducah. It began generating power in May 2010 and consists of two combustion turbines capable of generating 124 Megawatts of power.
Paducah Power also receives 15 megawatts of electricity from hydropower plants developed by American Municipal Power on Ohio River dams. One of those plants is located in Smithland, Kentucky. Another two-and-a-half megawatts of hydro power comes to Paducah Power via the Southeastern Power Administration from dams along the Cumberland River.
Annual Financial Audit
Financial Strength: PPS will balance long-term financial stability with fair rates.
Community Development: PPS will invest in the success and quality of life in the Paducah community.
Customer Service-: PPS will set the bar for exceptional customer service.
Workforce Development: PPS will develop and sustain a highly skilled workforce focused on our strategic priorities.

The Kentucky Municipal Power Agency is a joint action agency formed in 2005 by municipally owned electric systems in Kentucky to deliver affordable and reliable electric power to their customers. Headquartered in Paducah, KMPA members include Paducah Power System and Princeton Electric Plant Board.
KMPA, which is a not for profit agency, helps its members in the coordination of planning, construction and operation of new energy facilities such as the Prairie State Energy Campus. It also assists in joint purchases, sales, and exchanges of electric power.

The gas pipeline originates at a Texas Gas connection near Calvert City, Kentucky. The peaking plant consists of two combustion turbines capable of generating 124 megawatts of power.
Monday through Friday
7:00am - 4:30pm
Connect/Disconnect Power 270.575.4000
Main Switchboard 270.575.4000 | Engineering Department 270.575.4015 | Service Department (Outages) 270.575.4010
Paducah Power System Address: 1500 Broadway St, Paducah, KY 42001