Getting Started
To establish service at a location that does not have an existing meter, consumers are asked to supply specific information about their energy needs. Before speaking to a Paducah Power System representative, please have the following information:
- Service voltage
- Size of service (amps)
- Overhead or underground
- Commercial or residential
- Correct address
- Name of electrician
Our construction policy and procedure manual is available for download at this link.

Meeting with a Field Engineer
Our field engineers will want to meet you at the project site. The engineer will cover a number of items during the meeting including:
- Service routes/meter locations
- Easements
- Consumer Responsibilities
- Temporary Construction
If aid-to-construction payments are required, they must be paid before construction of electric facilities is scheduled. There may be additional construction responsibilities that must be completed (i.e., tree trimming) before work is scheduled. Call 270-575-4015 to contact our Engineering Department.
Paducah Power System offers cash incentives for building a home that is all electric. These incentives can include cash for the heat pump and water heater, as well as free underground. Please contact our Marketing Manager, Julie Colvis at 270-575-4032 for details.

Monday through Friday
7:00am - 4:30pm
Connect/Disconnect Power 270.575.4000
Main Switchboard 270.575.4000 | Engineering Department 270.575.4015 | Service Department (Outages) 270.575.4010
Paducah Power System Address: 1500 Broadway St, Paducah, KY 42001