As a public utility, Paducah Power System is dedicated to being a positive influence on this community and serves Paducah/McCracken County in many ways.
That includes raising funds for helping agencies, providing scholarships, making in-lieu-of-tax payments to local schools and providing science and safety lessons in the schools. We hold regular blood drives and E-scrap collections, we are one of the top supporters of United Way locally and many of our employees serve on boards and volunteer for a variety of organizations. We are committed to our community.
Christmas in the Park
Each year, Paducah Power System sponsors a magnificent display of Christmas lights in Paducah’s Noble Park. A half million twinkling bulbs illuminate the park between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day each holiday season. Thousands of people visit the event, making it a holiday favorite for people of all ages.
Community volunteers man the Santa House at the park, collecting donations of money and nonperishable food for area helping agencies. All donations from Christmas in the Park activities go to Paducah Cooperative Ministry, Family Service Society, the Salvation Army and St. Vincent DePaul Society.
In recent years, a significant portion of the proceeds have come from the annual School Challenge which involves local school districts. During the School Challenge, schools in Paducah/McCracken County compete against each other by collecting canned goods. The school that collects the most pounds of food per student wins $1,000. Â
The 2023 event kicks off Wednesday, November 22 and will run, nightly, through December 31. We will start taking reservations September 5 for volunteer groups to work at the Santa House during this year’s event.

School Programs

We also participate in reality stores, career fairs and the Associated General Contractors’ Construction Jobs Fair for high school students. We have contact with hundreds of students each year. Please contact Paducah Power System at 270-575-4025 if we can help in your classroom.

Scholarship Program
Paducah Power System (PPS) will award up to two $3,000 scholarships in 2024 for people attending an accredited lineman training program approved by PPS. Applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Be a resident of McCracken County
- Will graduate from high school or receive a GED in 2024 OR graduated/received a GED prior to 2024. This program is not limited to students graduating this year.
- Be at least 18 years of age.
- Has a valid driver’s license.
To apply, candidates must complete the online application and upload the required attachments requested in the form below.
PPS will accept applications this year until both scholarships have been awarded. Applicants may be required to appear before the scholarship committee for an interview. Scholarships will be paid directly to the lineman training program at which the applicant is enrolled. If there is a waiting list for the program, payment will not be made until the recipient is accepted into the program and is about to begin classes. Recipients who fail to complete their training program may be asked to reimburse PPS all or a portion of their scholarship funds.
Paducah Power Electrical Line Worker Scholarship Application
Power for Patients Blood Drive
Monday through Friday
7:00am - 4:30pm
Connect/Disconnect Power 270.575.4000
Main Switchboard 270.575.4000 | Engineering Department 270.575.4015 | Service Department (Outages) 270.575.4010
Paducah Power System Address: 1500 Broadway St, Paducah, KY 42001